
Retiring Dillon likes Duesing, Fuentez

As a former Hanover Park Park District commissioner, I highly recommend re-electing Jon Duesing and Miguel Fuentez for the Hanover Park Park District board.

They are experienced leaders who have a history of improving our parks, programming and customer service through alternate funding sources, not by raising our taxes. They have developed strong partnerships with state and local officials to seek non-matching funding through grants and by asking the Park District Foundation to be more active in helping to raise more money for the Park District's needs.

They are very sensitive to both the users and taxpayers of the park district and will do everything in their power to keep program fees low and will strive to lessen the impact on our property taxes.

I am voting for Jon Duesing and Miguel Fuentez on April 7 and I ask all residents of the Hanover Park District to do the same.

Dennis Dillon

Hanover Park

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