
Hunt sisters, Prospect prevail against host BG

The Bison kept it close, but at no point did the Prospect girls basketball team lose control of its 57-49 victory against Buffalo Grove on Friday night.

The visiting Knights (8-1) out-rebounded the Bison 38-19, thanks mostly to sisters Sarah and Rachel Hunt, who combined to grab 21 rebounds.

Senior guard Danielle Brucci led the offensive charge, scoring 15 points for the Knights, including three 3-pointers.

While every Mid-Suburban League win is important, the Knights' victory over the Bison was a first for even the senior members of the team.

"It's a great feeling," Brucci said. "This is the first time we beat them since I've been at Prospect so it's awesome. Our team was really working well tonight. We passed really well, and my shot was on and it was just working for me."

Second-year coach Martha Kelly noted the win's importance as well.

"It's a confidence-builder," Kelly said. "Beating BG means that we're starting to get where we want to go. I'm not going say there's a mystique to it, but I'm sure the girls have a lot of bad memories of this place, so to come in and off the bat go on a 9-0 run to set the tone was huge."

The 9-0 run to open the game turned into a 10-point first quarter lead. Buffalo Grove (3-5) narrowed the gap and tied the game midway through the second quarter, but a 7-1 Prospect run to close the half put the Knights ahead for good.

Buffalo Grove sophomore guard Andrea DiPrima scored a game-high 17 points, including three 3-pointers of her own. As a group, though, the Bison struggled to find an offensive rhythm.

"I think we need to do a better job at shot selection," BG coach Pat Dudle said. "I don't think we're doing a good job blocking out and pressuring the ball or playing the passing lane, and Prospect took advantage."

The Knights were fundamentally sound all game long, shooting 8-of-11 from the free-throw line and committing only 10 turnovers.

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