
District 59 approves 2-language kindergarten

Elk Grove Township Elementary District 59 on Monday set into motion a full-day, dual-language kindergarten program in English and Spanish that will begin next school year.

Kindergartners at Salt Creek Elementary School in Elk Grove Village will get the first shot at becoming part of the new program.

The kids will be taught in both languages, which is expected to continue through fifth grade, said Nancy Wagner, District 59's assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction.

"We are asking parents to make a commitment to it," Wagner said regarding the six-year program.

The board had to approve the full-day kindergarten and transportation components for the program.

Early next year, the program will be opened up to Salt Creek students first through a lottery system.

If not all the spots are filled, other district children will be allowed to join.

Regular kindergarten classes will be offered as well at Salt Creek, so families will not have to join the program unless they want to, Wagner said.

The district will open up one or two classes at Salt Creek. Half the kids will be native English speakers and the rest will be native Spanish speakers, Wagner said.

Research has shown that students in the dual language program outperform their peers who are not in the program, Wagner said.

Dual-language programs are not new to local schools, she said. Schaumburg Township Elementary District 54 and North Shore School District 112, which serves the Highland Park area, both offer dual-language programs.

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