An election to erase the politics of fear
I've been a true blue Democrat all my life, but not for the most obvious reasons, or for Democratic strategies and policies.
I have voted that way always and urged others to vote that way to help stamp out rampant Republicanism, or the politics of hate and fear if you will.
The usual Republican strategy is to scare up a lot of unfounded fear, make straw-men and then lie through their teeth about the other guy till most of the flag-blinded fools believe it.
When are the people going to realize that these two-faced neo-cons are plain bad for America, that most of them are terrible for the physical economy and are only destroying America's image in the eyes of the world?
To me, that is treason and should carry some form of punishment or sanction beyond just being voted out.
These current vultures picking at the bones of the treasury need to be put down, and put down fast.
I'm just glad that that woman from Alaska can't possibly become part of a United States administration. How her family can hate America so much that they want to secede from the Union is beyond me, but there it is, her husband's separatist group that she supports at gatherings.
From that to John McCain's "my fellow prisoners" brain-slip on the campaign trail, boy oh boy, I'd say we very luckily missed a bullet this time.
America has a whole lot of some hope now with someone as gracious and unifying as Barack Obama, and so intelligent.
Goodbye, fear. Hello, world! Yes, we will!
James Galli
Des Plaines