
Candidate recounts service to Dist. 55

I would like to thank the Daily Herald for their recent endorsement. They had stated that my focus on important local issues make me an effective lawmaker. I would agree with them that I have focused on those issues which would help the people of the 55th District. When the city of West Chicago asked if I could help remove the double tax on their water, I worked to get it done. When the village of Wayne needed help with a state issue on fees, I got it clarified and they received their needed funding. I helped the village of Bartlett and Wayne Township repair bridges that were structurally unsound despite the governor's underhanded tactics.

I have also worked on issues that effect the whole state. I accomplished my first piece of legislation, which was Jessica's Law. When this law was introduced in 40 other states, I wanted to make sure Illinois followed suit to protect our children. With the glut of ID theft, I passed legislation that holds state employees accountable for the proper disposal of your private information. I was effective in getting police departments more use out of their DUI funds. I extended the mandatory range of an adult entertainment facility from 1,000 feet to one mile from a school, church or area where children will be present. I helped our fire departments receive much-needed funds that they were left out of from previous legislation. With all these issues and others, I have been able to cross the aisle and work in a bipartisan manor to accomplish my goals. All in all I feel it has been a productive and quick three years.

I look forward to continuing my efforts to make Illinois a great state to live and work. I again will agree with the Daily Herald which stated that I have challengers but neither offers the value to the district that a third term for Ramey could afford. Thank you to all the constituents of the 55th District,

Randy Ramey

State Representative, 55th District

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