
Q&A with Schmitt

1. Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what? What will be your main priority?

Rather than simply complain or criticize, I believe any person who cares enough to make the effort to vocalize should participate in developing a solution, for as a famous man once said "Well done is better than well said." As I am discontented and disappointed with the current leadership from the political parties in power - Democrat and Republican - I believe I can contribute by helping to change our politics to protect our people, our places and our planet. I believe it is my obligation as a citizen to do so. When elected, my main priority will be to identify those areas of the budget that are in need of the most scrutiny, as well as identify those areas to serve my neighbors.

2. For incumbents and non-incumbents. If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are not an incumbent, tell us what contributions you would make.

As a member of the Green Party, and of many environmental and nature organizations, my main focus is on preserving our local environment, energy sustainability, applicable alternative energy resources for county government, and improving public awareness on these issues. Other contributions would include common sense solutions to issues of public transportation, health care and senior services.

3. Do you support moving all county offices to one home surrounding the judicial center? If so, what should be done with the current county government property and buildings on Batavia Avenue? If not, then what's the best use for the remaining acreage at the judicial center?

Not currently being closely involved with the internal research and fact-finding on this issue, I can neither state that I am in support of or against this issue. This type of opinion gets developed working with internal staff and other board members. To support such a move, the facts and data would need to prove the benefits on a long-term basis, with a positive ROI. The financial impact of new centralized facility versus improving current facility is one of the questions needing to be answered. Another question is alternative uses for the current site in comparison to current and longer-term county requirements.

4. Kane County continues to experience a population explosion. What are the areas and services you believe will be most challenged by this growth? Where will the money come from to extend and increase services to these new residents?

Clearly, natural resources will be a challenge in light of the population explosion in Kane County, with clean water a priority. Other issues will be affordable health care, education, and practical public transportation. Even in light of the current economic situation, I believe that a logical analytical approach to the budget as well as a re-evaluation of income sources will provide revenue.

5. The county has taken a leadership role in studying the issue of long-term water supply maintenance and protection. What should the county's emphasis be in this area over the next few years? Explain.

The county's emphasis regarding long-term water maintenance and usage should be on protecting our water sources from contamination, and on conservation. Longer-term the county should investigate "alternative" sources - water harvesting from rainwater, for instance. As our area gets on average 36 inches of rainfall, new construction (both residential and commercial) could be required to have a containment system for non-potable water.

6. Transportation issues continue to be a major concern to residents. How would you judge the county's response to their demands so far? What would you consider to be of highest county priority in this area and how would you fund its delivery?

Most cities in Europe - both large and small - have very efficient public transportation systems. Without reinventing the wheel, and working with the state and federal resources, it should be within our power to provide an efficient transportation system for our neighbors. We cannot continue to be dependent on oil, gas and inefficient private methods.

7. Not including those issues already identified above, is there another issue you believe will affect the county or your district over the next four years? If so, define it and explain how you would like to see it addressed.

Kane County currently appears to have a large population of illegal aliens. While this populations does contribute to the tax base (sales tax, employee taxes which are never accessed due to improper identification numbers), they also strain public services, including the school systems. The illegal work force also exerts negative pressure on minimum wage and opportunities for legal workers entering the work force. I believe the county needs to work closer with the federal government in addressing this issue.

8. Please list the names of all relatives employed by or involved in contracts with Kane County, their relationship to you and their position or area of business.


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