
Q&A with Dunn

1. Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you, and if so, what is that? What will be your main priority in office?

Voters should have a choice when they vote.

Many individuals, families and businesses are financially stressed yet, the County Board has:

1. Raised property taxes.

2. Supported an increase in the sales tax which is now higher than the sales tax in Kane, Will, & Lake Counties.

3. Increased Board Members' pay & reduced funding of social service agencies.

4. Maintained costs that could be reduced through conservation measures such as planting native ground cover in right-of-ways to replace mowed grass, where possible.

5. Underutilized county managed real-estate. Costs can be reduced by a review and implementation of better space usage.

6. Continued organizational inefficiencies as evidenced by numerous committees & divisions of County Government that requires streamlining.

7. Continued a pattern of inappropriate administrative expenditures, including board member pay, numbers of Board members, number of department heads, number of County cars used by the employees.

2. For incumbents and non-incumbents: If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of important initiatives you've led. If you are not an incumbent, tell us what contributions you would make.

I will work to reduce County Government costs, reduce property taxes, reduce sales tax, & increase efficiency, as noted in item #1, above. I will commit to reducing financial stress on individuals, families and businesses. Government should be more efficient as it provides optimal services.

3. What are your thoughts on how to best make use of revenue from the county sales tax increase approved by the state legislature? What should be done with any surplus from the sales tax increase?

In my opinion, the County sales tax increase is to be used for transportation & public safety. This tax will generate a $35-$40 million increase in revenues, which is about a 10% increase in the total County budget. This should generate a surplus. Then the property tax and other sales taxes (County & Water Commission) should be reduced.

4. Should candidates for county board and other elected offices accept campaign contributions from companies that do business with the county? If so, why? If not, why not, and how should this be addressed? If you have accepted campaign contributions from county vendors, please list them by name and amount.

No, we should not. Because there would be both a conflict and the appearance of a conflict. Incumbents and candidates should state that they will not accept such donations at the beginning of their campaigns. Further, the County Board ethics rules should be amended to not allow such donations. I not accepted any such contributions.

5. With the high price of gasoline, what should the county board be doing to improve energy efficiency in government operations? What, if anything, should the county board be doing to encourage expanded mass transit options in the county?

I support the County's determination to purchase hybrid vehicles. Further, the County should reduce the number of vehicles assigned to department heads and others who do not have a need for daily work related travel. The County should attempt to consolidate offices in central locations to reduce the amount of travel between satellite locations. Solar, wind and other alternatives to gasoline should be considered whenever upgrades are considered.

6. What are you thoughts on the Canadian National Railway's proposal to purchase the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Co. in order to reroute some freight train traffic from lines in Chicago and inner suburbs?

This proposed purchase and expanded freight traffic should only be allowed to proceed with accompanying requirements of overpasses and other safety and traffic flow improvements included in the project.

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