
Judge Golden has the qualifications

I have known and worked with Judge Patricia Piper Golden for over 25 years. As an attorney who has contributed money to her campaign but who has never appeared before her since she became a judge, as she and I believed it might give the impression of impropriety, I feel it necessary to speak out at this point.

The real issues before the voters are: who would be a better representative of the people seeking justice before the courts and who has the experience and legal knowledge necessary to ensure that fair and consistent rulings are made?

I have been practicing law in Kane County for 37 years. I have appeared in court approximately four days per week, almost every week, and I have never seen candidate John Noverini in court. Judge Golden, on the other hand, was the first woman elected state's attorney in Illinois and has prosecuted rapists, murderers, armed robbers and violent assault crimes against children before juries, while Noverini has not.

Judge Golden appeared in civil court, as an attorney, for more than 15 years, gaining great experience in the rules of evidence and presenting cases, which her opponent has not had the privilege of achieving.

Noverini applied twice to be appointed as an associate judge but was not appointed. Judge Golden has served with distinction, first as an associate judge for 10 years, and then was appointed by the Supreme Court of Illinois to serve as a circuit judge in November 2006.

If the Supreme Court of Illinois chose Judge Golden over all the other candidates as their representative, I hope the citizens of Kane County will, too!

Benedict Schwarz II

West Dundee

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