Tickets an easy source of revenue
Ms. Sterba of Bensenville's letter on June 9 was given the headline "Mad about parking ticket in Arlington." She was given a ticket while parked in the parking garage on Vail and Highland avenues while she attended the Promenade of Art.
Ms. Sterba's letter is timely because the Frontier Days festival in Recreation Park is around the corner. The police will be very busy from Wednesday, July 2, through Sunday, July 6, ticketing cars for violations, particularly for your being parked on the curb itself or slightly too close to the walkway.
The letter from our Bensenville visitor is a reminder to all who attend functions in Arlington Heights that tickets for parking violations provide the village with an easy source of income, and the value of that outweighs any other concern.
As an Arlington Heights resident, I empathize with Ms. Sterba and regret she has struck Arlington Heights from her list of destinations.
Judith Royal
Arlington Heights