
Light will be left on for Memorial Day

When I was a student at Highland Park High School we walked to school every day. One of the things that I have always remembered was a large older house on Green Bay Road that the front porch light was on day and night.

Many times we discussed, among my friends, why this would be but we never knew the reason for it until a few years later when talking with my Dad about it. What he told me I will never forget.

An older woman whose son had gone away to war during WWII and never returned owned the house. She swore that her front light would stay on until he did return.

Monday is Memorial Day when we honor those who have not returned. It must be heart breaking to lose someone and never be able to say good-bye. To lose a child would be the worst possible thing that could happen to me - no matter what their age.

On Monday I will leave my front light on and fly our flag for all of the brave men and women who have not returned, just as the lady in the house on Green Bay Road did.

Bob Powers

Lake County Board

District 16

Round Lake Beach

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