
Morris has helped, supported troops

I am a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War era, and along with most veterans, I am supporting Kirk Morris for Congress as a Republican in the Eighth District.

If you talk to any veteran, you will see that Kirk is the only candidate running from either party in this race that has volunteered his time and money to help veterans. He knows very well about the challenges veterans face because he has helped them after they return home from war. He has helped them find jobs, helped them transition to civilian life, and has devoted an incredible amount of time to build a war memorial in Gurnee to honor Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.

Most veterans support the troops and their efforts to fight terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq. I am glad all of the Republican candidates support the troops as well. Words of support can be nice to keep troop morale high.

However, Kirk Morris is the only candidate for Congress who has done something more than just talk about supporting the troops. He is the only one who has helped the troops directly with his actions. It was those actions that earned him the "Citizen of the Year Award" from the McCathy Group, a Chicagoland area organization devoted to helping our war heroes when they come home.

Because actions speak louder than any words, me and my fellow veterans will be supporting Kirk Morris for Congress.

Marty Smith


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