
Huckabee's likable but not presidential

Of all the people running for president, I prefer Mike Huckabee, but I cannot vote for him because he does not believe in evolution.

I could never be sure when a president who is a "man of God" might make a major decision based on his blind faith rather than logic and common sense.

This has already happened a number of times. Two examples are : 1) Jimmy Carter's welcoming the overthrow of the Shah of Iran by the followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini, because he (Carter) felt that he and the Ayatollah would have a good working relationship since they were both "men of God," and 2) George W. Bush's scary pronouncement that God had told him to invade Iraq.

I would be much more comfortable with an atheist or an agnostic as president, but we have a long way to go before that can happen.

A frightening number of the electorate believe that only a man of faith can be trusted to lead our country, yet one of the greatest world leaders in the last hundred years was an agnostic (Winston Churchill), while the worst leader in the free world is, or claims to be, a man of God.

I speak, of course, of the worst president in our nation's history, George W. Bush. This is the man who was re-elected by convincing people a vote for him would keep us safe even though it was on his watch that the 9/11 attacks occurred.

It's too bad. I really do like Mike Huckabee, but I'm afraid to vote for anyone who, in spite of all the scientific evidence to the contrary, believes that the Earth is only a few thousand years old.

Gene McDougall

Arlington Heights

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