
Why U.S. presence in Iraq is essential

I was in the Navy for 21 years, including six months in Iraq, and I'm disappointed by the large number of people who protest American presence in Iraq.

There are two reasons why someone would protest American presence in Iraq.

The protesters might want the U.S. to be defeated by the terrorists, which would probably cause more attacks that would be as deadly as the Sept. 11 attacks.

The other reason that Americans might protest the American presence in Iraq is that they haven't thought about what might happen if Americans are withdrawn from Iraq before the terrorists are defeated.

When I was in Iraq, I rarely heard my co-workers complain about our presence in Iraq.

Since I returned to the U.S., I've heard many people, who haven't served in the military, complain about American troops in Iraq.

All Americans who care about our safety and the long-term consequences of a possible withdrawal support the mission of staying in Iraq until the terrorists are defeated.

Phil Collins

North Chicago

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