
Clinton expects override of veto

Sen. Hillary Clinton swooped into town Thursday to attend two fundraisers, stopping briefly to chat with reporters about Bush's veto of an initiative to expand health care to children, Iraq and the Cubs, but she steered clear of a flap over Barack Obama's flag pin.

"Many of us hoped the president would have a change of heart (about vetoing the expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program)," Clinton said.

Clinton said she will now join with disaffected Republicans such as Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa to override the veto. She is confident the Senate will override it but says votes are still needed in the House.

She also backed off an idea she had floated earlier for the government to issue "baby bonds" of $5,000 when children are born so that they can later attend college.

Clinton said she wasn't formally proposing that policy, just trying to start a "conversation" with the American people.

And once again, the former first lady declined to say whom she would back if a Cubs-Yankees World Series came to pass.

Finally, asked if the news stories about Obama's decision to stop wearing a flag pin were a tempest in a teapot or a real issue, she responded "I don't know. You'll have to ask him."

She did say she thinks there are "many ways" to show one's patriotism.

Clinton spoke to the press at Morton's Restaurant, where she was attending a fundraiser thrown by Republican Terry Duffy, executive chairman of the CME Group, who has formally endorsed Clinton.

Later, she planned to attend another thrown by friend J.B. Pritzker. Her staff member said she hoped to raise close to $1 million.

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