
Osteoporosis drug may be cause of 'arthritis' knee pain

Q. At 71 years of age, I am a very physically active, pain-free woman. That was until my doctor put me on Actonel (for beginning osteoporosis). After taking my first pill (one a week), two nights later I woke up with excruciating arthritic pain in my knees.

That day I had played 18 holes of golf and then refereed two soccer games and attributed the pain to too much activity. Within three days, I was back to normal (no pain). The next Monday I took the Actonel again, as per the instructions. Two nights later, the "arthritis" pain in both knees returned and was unbearable. I could not walk without holding onto the walls, furniture or railings! I had no excessive activity that day. I started putting two and two together. Upon checking the side effects of Actonel, I learned that this was one of the major side effects. I stopped taking the medicine, and within a week I was back to being pain-free. I shared this information with a friend. She said she had horrible arthritic knees and had been on Actonel for two years.

Two weeks later she thanked me. She stopped her Actonel, and within two weeks her knees were better than they had been in two years. I wonder how many people who have "arthritis" actually have a reaction to Actonel or some other drug?

A. Arthritis pain is a rare side effect of Actonel, but, as you discovered, it can happen without warning. I'm publishing your letter to alert other readers.

Q. I am a faithful reader. Your advice is usually very good, but I disagree with your comments about apple cider vinegar providing no benefits whatsoever.

I take apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons, 1 teaspoon honey and a small amount of unsulphured molasses) every day and have for at least 10 years.

My immune system is great, my skin has improved, my joints don't ache, and I don't have cracked heels anymore. I am a very healthy 66-year-old female who takes no medication except the occasional ibuprofen for a headache. I work out almost every day, am still working and find I have more energy than most of my younger co-workers.

I dilute the mixture in 1 cup of hot water and then mix that with cold water before drinking it. I think it has numerous benefits.

A. I have received several letters from other readers who swear by the vinegar potion. I have had no experience with it, but, as requested, I am hereby mentioning it as a public service.

© 2007, Newspaper Enterprise Association

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