
Inside and out

As our gardening season nears a close, we are dying to know what next year will bring to our flowers, fruits and vegetables.

The warming trend will continue, according to that reputable forecaster -- The Old Farmer's Almanac.

"The past nine years have been among the 25 warmest years, and, based on our study of solar activity and cycles, we expect the warming trend to continue," said John Pierce, publisher.

The warmest year ever in the United States was 1998, and years ending in eight are known for their weather anomalies, Pierce said.

An article in this year's almanac traces hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts back to the mid-1700s.

They could be coincidences or show cyclical weather patterns.

Here in the Midwest the almanac staff sees a mild and dry winter followed by a cool and dry summer.

The almanac is $5.99, and there's an almanac for kids and a garden guide and several calendars.

Visit or call (800) 256-2622.

How would a Miro look on that wall?

Often the thing that makes a room is an antique or a piece of art.

And when we buy something like this, there's that nagging feeling that some day we might make a little money in this.

Art & Antiques presents a special-edition "Collector's Soucebook."

While it's full of luscious pictures and stories about artists and homes, it also includes a Print Primer that tries to demystify this type of art.

Here's a tidbit: It seems you must pay about $1,000 for a print if you want assurance it will be resalable.

Tune in for good New Orleans news

"This Old House," the venerable PBS television show, will feature work in New Orleans beginning in January.

Rashida Ferdinand's home in the Lower Ninth Ward will be restored and expanded.

And the new Musicians' Village, where Habitat for Humanity is working, will also be featured.

-- Deborah Donovan

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