
Architect charged with stealing $1.2 million

A Grayslake man is charged with stealing $1.2 million from one of Lake County's largest architectural firms.

Dennis Craig, 49, faces two counts of forgery as detectives continue to investigate the case.

Lake County state's attorney's office investigator Mark Hansen said Craig, of 261 W. Belvidere Road, was employed from 2001 until 2006 at Legat Architects in Waukegan.

During that time, Hansen said, Craig wrote at least 40 checks on company accounts to himself and businesses not authorized to receive money from Legat.

An audit conducted after Craig left the firm determined at least $1.2 million was missing.

Hansen said Craig was arrested late Wednesday afternoon and was ordered held on $500,000 bond after a court appearance.

Additional charges against Craig are possible once the investigation is concluded and the case is presented to a grand jury, Hansen said.

Craig is scheduled to appear in court again Sept. 19.

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