
Soapbox: You want it, you pay for it

St. Charles school district teachers, and we assume a fair number of parents, are looking for each school to get air conditioning. Seems like a great idea during a hot week like this. Until you consider the considerable cost, and the fact that A/C isn't needed during the large majority of the school year. Just a guess, but it's likely other more pressing district issues will get dealt with before this one.

They screamed

Apparently the pro-ice cream vendor forces prevailed in Sugar Grove, as trustees are now looking at regulating, not banning, ice cream truck drivers. It's good to see people making their opinions heard on the issues -- although we can think of some more important matters brewing these days. For example, will these same people take the time to learn about -- and weigh in on -- the enrollment issue at Kaneland schools or the budget crunch at the Sugar Grove library?

Highway hazards

With Kane County and the state of Illinois working on separate areas of Route 31 in South Elgin and Elgin at the same time, drivers would be well advised to stay as far away as possible. The county is closing the highway just south of Hancock Avenue to just south of the former Illinois Central Railroad tracks for bridge work connected with the Stearns Road bridge project. Route 31 in Elgin has had temporary lane closures ever since the state began a highly necessary $3.9 million renovation of its 3½-mile run through the city. That works is expected to end this fall while the South Elgin work won't end until the first of the year. Wise drivers will find another route.

Charming gall

You've just got to love Barack Obama's charming gall. When Illinois moved up its primary to Feb. 5 almost exclusively to help his presidential nomination ambitions, he was all for it. But when an unruly free-for-all broke out between other states also wanting to be first in the nominating primaries, he and other candidates decided to boycott Florida and Michigan. To be fair, Democratic party rules said no one can vote before Feb. 5 and those states wanted to go earlier. But Obama stating the DNC's nominating process is "in the best interest of our party and our nation" is easy for him to say. He has already gotten what he wanted -- an early vote in his home state.

It grew on you

Remember the mold? Ah, how could anyone who lived in and around St. Charles several years ago forget the controversy spurred by the discovery of mold in St. Charles East High School: Closing a school. Relocating students. Many unruly board meetings. It made the recent boundary dust-up look minor by comparison. We heard this week that the case between former students and the district will be settled, finally. Good riddance -- to the issue and, hopefully, to some of the bad feelings between the public and district leaders.

Pedal power

In the face of $3-per-gallon gasoline, some intrepid suburban residents are pedaling to work instead of driving. They've got to be intrepid to put up with harassment from some drivers and pedestrians some of them reported. One said he'd had fruit, garbage and beer cans thrown at him. Safety can be a serious issue. Bikers reported running into the back of a vehicle when it stopped suddenly and being forced off the road by others. Until cyclists are made more welcome or routes made more safe, we're guessing the average commuter's gas savings won't be enough to induce him or her to take on the extra risk and effort required.

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