
Let's remember Sept. 11 at event

Let's remember Sept. 11 at event

This Tuesday we be joining in with hundreds of libraries around the world in remembering the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. This will be the fifth "Libraries Remember Sept. 11, 2001" event at the Sugar Grove Library.

Our local fire department and police department are our biggest supporters in this effort. They come out in full uniform and assist with the flag ceremonies. We have a book and media display of items related to 9/11. Each year the size of this collection has increased.

We invite our community to join us throughout this 24 hours remembrance to read, reflect and resonate with pride in celebration of our American freedoms. Most of the time we just provide library business as usual, with people acknowledging how special it is to have the opportunity to be with us as we all remember.

As I read any article on 9/11 which asks "how much is enough" or isn't it "time to move on" I feel an even stronger sense of determination to keep on with our Libraries Remember event. Sept. 11 was a defining moment for our nation, the world, and myself.

At this library I feel that we are successful with our event and I believe that it is because we sing with, and to, the choir. Our message remains consistent in providing the community the chance to remember and grow from the act of remembering. So, I feel comfort in thinking that as long as we continue throughout the year to make book displays for the "event of the month" we have the same, if not an even stronger, responsibility to remember Sept. 11, 2001.

It is merely a great bonus that we get to do so for the entire day in the good company of our local heroes, members of our community, and great friends.

Beverly Holmes Hughes


Sugar Grove Public Library

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