
Imagining legislators on election stump

Imagine a current Illinois lawmaker, campaigning to run again, speaking to a large gathering of his constituency:

"I come to you today with a heavy and humble heart in apology for the actions of the General Assembly in past years, and particularly this year.

"By promising no new taxes and smaller government, we have appealed to the baser instincts of we humans of keeping for ourselves what we earned. I and my colleagues have failed to lead you to adopt the better angels within us to share the riches of the economy with those lower-paid workers who ensured the success of our public policy.

"The failure to deal with the obvious need for more revenue, and to change our tax policies which favor the rich over the poor and prevent fair opportunities for all the children in Illinois, I feel is due to the great job both parties have done in promising you no more money will come out of your pocket to benefit the disabled, disadvantaged, and needy.

"I recently re-read the preamble of the Illinois Constitution, and I quote a small part of it: We are grateful to God for the liberty we enjoy and promise to 'eliminate poverty and inequality; assure legal, social and economic justice.'

"With a contrite heart I ask you to forgive me for not putting this foremost in my legislative goals. How did I develop my blindness in not considering these noble goals?

"Well, I must confess that I noted that the majority of good churchgoing folk voted for me and my party, and I just assumed that they felt that present public policy following the tenets of the University of Chicago school of economics that calls for unbridled freedom of the marketplace is fulfilling the demands of the Bible regarding the brother's keeper concept and Christ's teaching regarding our responsibility to the least of these. How wrong this has proven to be!

"My dear friends I ask you to put aside all old ideas and vote for me in my efforts to ensure a stable, safe and just society. I promise you that I will put people ahead of political and economic theory. I will use any means necessary to fulfill the promises in the preamble of our constitution. Thank you so much for your past support, and God bless you all."

Darwin Cooper

St. Charles

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