
Iraq War has put our security in peril

This in response to P.J. Bertrand's assertion (Aug. 6 Fence Post) that, since 9/11 hasn't been repeated, it is obvious that Bush's policies are working.

I would ask Bertrand, why would they come kill us over here when we have voluntarily sent them 150,000 of our bright, capable, committed future leaders to kill at will in Iraq and Afghanistan? How could they possibly give that kind of on-the-job training to their burgeoning supply of future leaders over here?

What Bertrand is describing is a mirage and I can only hope Bertrand is old and does not live to witness the destruction that will come back to our shores over time if we do not end this war today, guarantee that no permanent bases remain in Iraq, start cleaning up the mess with the $12 billion Congress is spending of our money every month, and realizing that under their sand is their oil, not ours, and we aren't going to protect it with the bodies and souls of our people.

Amy Tauchman

Executive Director

Operation Turn

DuPage Blue

Glen Ellyn

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