
Riding program marks 20 years

Main Stay Therapeutic Riding Program, a nonprofit organization in Richmond, is celebrating 20 years of offering equine-related therapeutic activities to people with disabilities.

With the help of a small staff and nearly 100 volunteers each week, the program operates five evenings, plus several mornings each week from April to November

Throughout the winter months, a smaller number of riders participate in the program.

Every student is evaluated by a team consisting of a therapist, certified instructor, the student and any other people the family feel is important to involve.

Goals are then set and the instructor pairs them with a horse, adapted equipment and a set of volunteers to help them.

Recognized with the highest ranking available in its industry, Main Stay is a Premier Center of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association. It has held the ranking since its doors opened in 1987.

Its first student is still riding and many of its first volunteers are still actively involved.

Main Stay is a registered nonprofit 501(c)3.

Fees from lesson costs total less than 15 percent of the funds needed to run the program. Private, corporate and in-kind donations, plus in-house fundraising events are sponsored by friends of Main Stay raise the additional 85 percent of its funding.

This year Main Stay is looking forward to hosting several events and fund-raisers.

On Sept. 9, Main Stay will hold a reunion/open house for students, volunteers, donors and the general public.

Main Stay will also hold its 20th Annual Bowlathon, which will take place on Oct. 7.

Main Stay would like to continue to grow, but will need more people getting involved to accomplish this mission.

Anyone wanting more information about becoming a partner with Main Stay can call (815) 653-9374.

You can also check Main Stay out on the Web at

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