
No need to raise taxes on gasoline

Regarding Mary Warren's Fence Post opinion, while Mary was at least correct that we need better efficiency in our vehicles, she couldn't be more wrong on the rest of her feelings.

Better efficiency for motor vehicles will help all Americans in terms of savings. Raising taxes is dead wrong. Global warming effects aren't worth arguing about since cars have minimal if any effect on global warming -- that comes from the sun and our place in the orbit around it. Anyone who has done any research on this should know that.

Raising taxes is ludicrous since the government already wastes about 30 percent of the taxes we send to them and would seriously hurt anyone -- including the poor -- who rely on their vehicles for work. (Maybe Mary can walk to work, but many truckers and others need their vehicles for travel. Not to mention the increase in the cost of just about everything that we use on a daily basis.)

I would suggest to Mary to take one of those mini-European cars out on the highways with the 18-wheelers and see how fun it is to drive one of those tin cans around them. And most importantly, it is not the government's job to fund research for better fuels. If people want better fuels, they should invest their own money in those companies and quit demanding the rest of us give up our money to do it. That's called free enterprise. What Mary wants is socialism, and for that one can move to Venezuela.

I must say Mary sounds like one of those liberals who have invaded DuPage County.

Martin J. Uttich

Carol Stream

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