
Officials seek source of Carpentersville odor

Officials in Carpentersville are working with representatives from Hexion Specialty Chemicals to determine the source of an odor in the Old Town area near the company's chemical plant at 100 E. Cottage Ave.

To help pinpoint the source of the smell, the village has posted on its Web site phone numbers for two Hexion officials who residents can call when they detect an odor.

Residents can call Robert Usab at (847)280-1943 or Chuck Doebler at (630)631-3450 with details such as time of day, location, wind speed and direction.

Fire Chief John Schuldt said providing that information will help determine if the odor is even emanating from the chemical plant or another source.

Schuldt said, for instance, a truck driver transporting paint recently at a local paint manufacturer left the truck's tank open, releasing an odor. The village's waste water treatment facility and a local wood fiber mulch company are also often the culprits, Schuldt said.

An Illinois Environmental Protection Agency supervisor said the agency has received one call about an odor and will conduct tests next week based on the complaint.

"We inspect the place at least once a year and I am not aware of any issue at the moment with Hexion," said Martin Tippin, air supervisor from the environmental agency's Des Plaines bureau. "They had issues over the years, but they controlled all of their emissions have been within the permitted limits."

Residents can also contact Fire Chief John Schuldt at (847)426Ã…“2131.

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