
Grayslake District 46 board president defends Facklam

Grayslake Elementary District 46 board President Ray Millington on Wednesday night gave a spirited defense of a colleague who a Lake County prosecutor found broke state law as a deputy voter registrar.

Millington's support of Susan Facklam came on a night in which board members were to discuss her position as an elected official, and whether she should continue as District 46's representative on a statewide elected school officials' lobbying group and a Lake County special education organization.

Discussion that was sought by three of the seven board members didn't go far.

Millington cited a school attorney's advice in saying Facklam is an elected official and that board members can't remove her from that post or force her from the lobbying organization. They can only remove her as a SEDOL representative.

After relaying the legal opinion, Millington defended Facklam, who has denied any wrongdoing in a case that spawned from an email she wrote to a former board president.

“I need to make my feelings about Sue Facklam known,” Millington said. “She has served our community in this school district for over eight years. She has done this not for any personal gain, other than the satisfaction of knowing that she has done her best to provide a great education for our children while minimizing the tax burden that District 46 presents.

“Sue has been criticized for some emails that she thought were personal. Who among us hasn't said or written something that we later regretted?”

In August, Lake County Deputy State's Attorney Daniel Jasica wrote a letter to Facklam with his finding she committed a felony violation of Illinois election code by registering two people to vote and giving them $5 restaurant gift certificates when she was up for re-election.

Although the opinion was issued in August, it didn't become public until two months later when Jasica confirmed for the Daily Herald the contents of the letter he wrote to Facklam.

Jasica said “prosecutorial discretion” and lack of a “broader pattern of illegal payments” combined in the decision to not pursue a criminal case against her. His finding capped a probe that began in April 2011 after his office received emails Facklam wrote to former board President Mary Garcia, which referenced the gift certificates.

Facklam issued a statement disputing Jasica's finding, saying the gift cards she provided to a family friend and someone else were not in exchange for anything.

She retained her District 46 board post in the hotly contested April 2011 election, with newcomers Shannon Smigielski and Evans winning the other two seats. Garcia and Marchell Norris fell short.

District 46 board members in November issued a public reprimand of Facklam, known as a censure, as a result of Jasica's opinion. Board member Kip Evans asked Millington at Wednesday's meeting why Facklam was even censured.

“I'd like to move on with the business of this school board and not continue to harass somebody,” Millington replied. “And that's what I consider it to be. Personal attacks and harassment.”

Earlier in the meeting, board member Shannon Smigielski criticized Facklam for calling a District 46 attorney about the prosecutor's finding, which resulted in a small charge. Smigielski said Facklam shouldn't solicit legal advice from a lawyer whose fees are covered by taxpayers.

Facklam said she'll pay the bill that resulted from her phone call to the attorney. The exact total wasn't revealed during the meeting.

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Grayslake D46 board member censured over $5 gift certificates

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