
Palatine Township residents learn how to live with coyotes

The Palatine Township “Coping with Coyotes” seminar drew approximately 48 residents, said Sharon Langlotz-Johnson, a Palatine Township trustee.

“It taught us how to live with (coyotes) because they’re not going away,” added Langlotz-Johnson.

Peter Suneson, a naturalist from Crabtree Crabtree Nature Center in Barrington, educated attendees on how to protect themselves from possible coyote encounters.

Eliminating possible food sources is the best way to prevent coyotes from coming around, he said.

“Do not feed them anything directly or indirectly,” he said, “Watch for overflowing bird feeders and don’t leave any food out.”

If the animals do approach, however, Suneson recommends hazing the animal in any way possible.

“Become as big, loud and scary as you can,” he said. “Make yourself intimidating.”

Though residents have reported coyote attacks on small animals in past months, the danger is not only in the warmer months.

“It isn’t just a spring/summer thing; it’s a year-round problem,” said Suneson. “There is no hibernation for coyotes … we should always be on the lookout.”

“We can’t get rid of coyotes,” he added at Friday’s seminar. “But we can learn to live with them.”

For more information and tips on coyotes, email Palatine Township trustee Sharon Langlotz-Johnson at