
Yes for Indian Trails library extension

Taxpayers in the Indian Trails Public Library district are due to see their property taxes drop slightly — about $27 for the owner of a $300,000 home — this fall when a tax hike approved in 1995 expires. The library district says expanding programs and structural problems have created new challenges, and they’re asking voters to extend the tax indefinitely. These are difficult times for everybody, and we’re happy for anyone with the prospect of reducing their tax bills, even slightly. Yet, the issues at the Indian Trails library — a cramped parking lot, inadequate video collection and especially more space for teens, job seekers and community groups — are real, and the economic environment is such that the money will go much further now than it will if the district has to come back for a tax increase in a few years. Now is the best time to get the work under way, so we recommend a YES vote.