
O'Neil a bad bet for 63rd House seat

I met John O'Neil, who is running for state representative, who said he was qualified for the office based on his experience as a local school board member. I asked if he had children and what grades they were in, and was shocked to learn that he home schools his children instead of sending them to the school in which he was elected to help run.

How can anyone who is elected to a school board not believe in the school enough to send his own kids there? What kind of elected official doesn't support the very institution he was elected to oversee? Mr. O'Neil epitomizes what is wrong with politicians. He says one thing publicly then privately does the opposite. I can't trust O'Neil to do the right thing if he were elected to a higher office because he has not done the right thing with the office he has.

Don't vote for John O'Neil. Send him home to spend time with his kids.

Sue Dalton

Wonder Lake