
Streamwood park district in real trouble

It is with real regret that after 24 years with the Streamwood Park District I am turning in my resignation. I also regret not being able to say my goodbyes to the people who have put a smile on my face at the end of a long day at the parks.

I have seen many things accomplished in our parks and have watched many residents grow from small children to young adults with their own children coming to the parks. It is a wonderful feeling and one that I will miss.

But unfortunately, things have changed in the District and not always for the better. Over the years I have witnessed many employees and directors come and go - at times with little impact, sometimes with relief, and in some cases, with sadness.

I, along with other staff, have suffered through upheaval, followed by renewed hope, only to face bitter disappointment at the truth of our workplace and its management. Many longtime residents have seen the outward signs of the inner turmoil of the District. Repairs not made in a timely fashion, equipment failure, slow response to inquiries and all the miscellaneous signs of a team that is not working together.

And while the goal of management is to fill the staff with up-and-coming professionals, we have such holes in the present staffing that even if everyone worked, everything that needs to be done will not be accomplished.

And what can be accomplished is done in the most hostile of environments - intimidation, half-truths, outright lies, and just plain nastiness of every form.

That said, I have been thrilled to be a part of the Park Place Recreational Center, the moving of Hoosier Grove School House, new ball fields at Ralfh's Woods, the splash pad at Sunny Hill and many other big events in our Streamwood Park District lives. And the many small events too. That is the life of a Park District employee.

The future of the District is in your hands. Be wise in your decisions and make Streamwood Park District the place YOU want to enjoy!

Renee Eling

former parks and aquatic specialist
