
Madigan resignation best for Illinois

As an independent voter and lifetime Illinois resident, I'm so tired of the dysfunction in Springfield. All our state politicians share responsibility for the sorry condition of our state finances.

The heaviest weight of blame, however, falls on those who have held state positions the longest, and have through action or inaction allowed our state to move steadily and surely into the mess it's in.

None, in my mind, stands out more prominently than Michael Madigan, who has held the Illinois Speaker of the House position almost continuously since 1983. Backing up one level, though, the blame also falls upon Chicago Democratic voters who numbly push the "Democratic Button" when voting for state office candidates. (I know, DuPage County Republicans are guilty all too often of doing the same for candidates on the other side of the aisle.)

My recommendations would be that Mr. Madigan call a press conference in which he humbly hangs his head in shame and disgrace as he announces his resignation from office, for so miserably failing the citizens of Illinois.

This might also serve the additional benefit of letting other politicians know that they can't blindly ignore brewing state problems with the hope that they'll simply go away, or come to a head on some other person's watch.

Ken List


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