
Give Dems credit for health care woes

Cecile Powell's Nov. 5 letter, "What if men were having babies," made several erroneous assertions. She claimed "men were in charge of women's reproductive health care" and "Republican men are spending billions and are willing to shut down government to defund and destroy Planned Parenthood."

Clearly she does not give credit to the Democrats role in this process or their role in approving Obamacare which has had far more affect on health care for women than any other recent congressional action. She also seems to discount the role our Democratic and Republican Congresswomen play in this process, of which there are over 100. Also, one third of the supreme court are women.

She totally misquotes and misinterprets the Bible in reference to Genesis 2:7. This passage is part of one of two separate creation accounts in this poetic book. The passage actually reads "the Lord God formed man out of clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living being" and interprets this to mean "that (all) life begins when you begin to breathe (meaning not at conception or any other stage during the development of the fetus in the womb) and ends when you stop breathing."

She concludes with the assertion that "billions of our tax dollars go to supporting churches." Our church and all churches are funded by the members. Our church donates considerable funds to our state, national and worldwide communities.

Finally, the implication of her overarching assertion that unless you are a woman you should not have a voice in national policy on women's reproductive health care is absurd.

Vince Heaton


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