
Gun owners won't give up their rights

According to the thinking of Dan Halvorsen in a Nov. 12 letter, driving a car around a barricade and plowing into a crowd of people is OK since it was just "an accident." Driving drunk, or under the influence, and killing innocent people is OK because it was just "an accident."

It is OK that drivers and passengers die because somebody was texting while driving since it was just "an accident."

A criminal fleeing police in a high-speed chase can plow into other vehicles but that is OK since it was just "an accident."

If a person is so irresponsible that they cause the death of others, be it with an automobile or firearm, that person alone is the problem. The instrument they use to inflict injuries should not be the center of debate over restrictions. The person who had access to the vehicles intended to commit these heinous acts. Let's get past this mindset of the 1900s that everyone should drive and start avoiding these terrorist acts caused by automobiles.

You cannot ban automobiles or firearms because of the actions of an individual that has no respect for others. The law-abiding majority of automobile or firearm owners should not be penalized for something they had nothing to do with.

Mr. Halvorsen, firearm owners are not about to give up their rights just so you can feel good.

George Thompson


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