
Meacham Road vote should favor us, not them

Rolling Meadows aldermen have a fundamental decision to make. Will they be accountable to their constituents, or please neighboring Schaumburg and passing motorists on Meacham Road?

As evidenced by the hundreds of “road improvement” surveys handed out by Rolling Meadows officials to motorists on Meacham Road during afternoon rush in early December — and the paltry number mailed to residents — their decision seems obvious. I’m hoping their Jan. 14 vote on the widening proves me wrong.

But after a year and a half of attending meetings and trying to monitor this issue, I feel betrayed by my city officials. As an earlier Fencepost writer pointed out, most of the traffic on Meacham Road is headed to or from Schaumburg to shop, and just passing through Rolling Meadows.

How about asking the people whose beautiful landscape this project would destroy without actually creating much improvement in traffic flow? And don’t forget to ask residents throughout the city, as their ever-increasing taxes would fund the widening process and forever maintenance of Meacham Road north of Schaumburg’s border in Rolling Meadows.

How about aldermen asking themselves how they can possibly justify and pay for this massive addition to the city budget? It seems Schaumburg has more to gain than Rolling Meadows — at our expense!

Becky Booth

Rolling Meadows

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