
Maine group promotes limited kid privacy

There’s a fine line between monitoring kids and respecting their privacy, but results from the 2010 Illinois Youth Survey indicate that kids are less likely to engage in risky behavior such as drinking alcohol, using drugs or smoking cigarettes if they think they might get caught. That’s why MCYAF, the Maine Community Youth Assistance Foundation, is promoting its latest message for parents and other adults to hang around. “Unsupervised teens have more opportunities to experiment with risky behaviors, such as drinking alcohol, using drugs, or smoking,” says Tricia Williams, prevention coordinator with MCYAF. “When your son or daughter has friends over, make sure you’re home,” she says. “Drop in occasionally to offer food and nonalcoholic drinks, or use an excuse to look for a ‘lost’ item, such as eyeglasses, where they are gathered. Make sure alcohol isn’t accessible to children in your home. And don’t leave your house or property when kids are there.”

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