
Gordon the right person for Dist. 96

I am writing this letter in support of a woman who in my opinion, has managed to balance her family along with an incredible sense of community in both her job choices and volunteer choices.

I met Lauren Gordon when she was the PTO president at Ivy Hall School. She applied strategies as a PTO president that I had only seen applied in the business world and yet she figured out a way to use them in order to make the PTO stronger.

Wow, what a difference she made. She put some practices into place that really made a difference. She knew how to bring all the parents together with one goal, making our school as strong as it can be so that our children receive the best education possible.

One of Lauren's primary goals is to make the communication between the District 96 administration and the parents in the community stronger. I have absolutely no doubt that Lauren will be able to accomplish this and it will be very well received by the parents!

Lauren is one of the most levelheaded parents I know. Her children have thrived in the District 96 system because of the type of parent she is, and because of her incredible knowledge of how the district works. She is such a hard worker and always puts the needs of her group first.

What a positive impact she can have on District 96.

Karyn Gitler

Buffalo Grove