
150 in Elk Grove, Arlington without AT&T service

About 150 AT&T Inc. customers in Arlington Heights and Elk Grove Village are without phone and Internet service until a wire line is repaired, an AT&T spokeswoman said Friday.

A wire line was cut in Elk Grove Village and is being repaired. Some customers are expected to have service restored late Friday or by Saturday, said AT&T spokeswoman Brooke Vane.

“We have technicians on site and they'll continue working around the clock to restore service for our customers,” Vane said.

Mary Robins, who lives on the south end of Arlington Heights, noticed her AT&T phone and Internet service have been out since Thursday afternoon.

“I was trying to send a fax and noticed it wasn't working,” Robins said. “Then when I picked up the phone, I noticed we didn't have a dial tone and no Internet service.”