
Ruth Munson has character

I support Ruth Munson because I see in her words, actions and manner a woman of good character with compassion and intelligence and the energy to build. In these troubled times, more than ever, we need these traits in our leaders.

Not only are the citizens of Illinois dealing with the loss of jobs, finances and homes, but they are trying to rebuild their businesses and lives with the weight of corruption in every branch of Illinois government.

It is time to clean up our act. The only way that a good future for this state will occur is when we you and I elect and hold accountable honest, trustworthy people as leaders and representatives. We need fearless people in office and we need to empower them with a clear mandate to fight corruption, power-mongers, self-interest, territorialism and personal ego, and to develop and implement a plan that will put us back on the right track. We need leaders who are willing to make careful and well-thought-out decisions and agreements and legislation to protect and benefit not just the wealthy and powerful, but every person, rich or poor, young or old, male or female and without ethnic or religious prejudice.

I trust Ruth Munson to be my representative to do this and I encourage every voter in our district to do likewise. I also pledge to support Ruth Munson after she is elected and to do my part to improve the future of the people of Illinois.

Laura Blobaum Knoerr
