
Grade level centers not best for children

To District 26 board members: As a resident of Mount Prospect in District 26 I voted for you to represent the best education practices for the children of our school district. As a faculty member of a community college I took the time to research this subject and did not discover any area that would be educationally advantageous for our children, or financially very beneficial.

I do not believe that a major change like a GLC would be in the best interests of our children and hope you will take my opinions into consideration when making your decisions.

In addition, I would like to thank you all for giving of your time and effort to make our school district so excellent. I have five children who graduated from District 26. They are all adults now and have outstanding careers, which I believe is because the excellent education they received in District 26 and District 214 before going onto higher education. Hopefully we will maintain this excellence.

Again thank you for all of your efforts.

Rose Mary Meyer

Mount Prospect