
School board turns deaf ear on GLC

I attended the District 26 school board meeting on May 18th. I wanted to understand more about the district's plan for Grade Level Centers and this was the first meeting I have attended. I was shocked at the level of animosity between the school board and the parents.

I heard at least five of the school board members say they would vote on what they felt was right, no matter what the parents thought. This is not the way to make friends and influence people. I still don't know if the GLC plan is the best option for the district, but I think it is doomed for failure, because the school board did not get the buy in of the parents. The school board may be right, but this looks like a lose-lose to me.

One of the school board's most adamant proponent of the GLC plan is Jeff Bradley. He said that he has made up his mind, and did not care what the parents thought. I wonder how we can trust his judgment when he was arrested (on charges of) possession and use of cocaine in 2002?

Dillivan Bailey

Mount Prospect