
New members of Lombard Garden Club receive traditional tea cup and saucer as gift

For many, many years, the traditional gift to a new member of the Lombard Garden Club was a beautiful flowered tea cup and saucer.

The tradition of this welcome is still followed. At the Friday, Feb. 22 meeting, two new members were introduced: Susan Dowty and Janet Kenny.

With help and advice from membership chairwoman Barbara Madigan, each new member can join a committee and become involved in the civic projects, Lilac Bush Sale, garden walk, Peck Homestead Garden work, or the scholarship committee.

Check the website at for membership information.

The club, in its 93rd year, meets from 12:30 to 3 p.m. on the fourth Friday of the month at the Lombard Community Building, 433 E. St. Charles Road.

On March 22, Cindy Crosby will speak on "Dragonflies and Damselflies: The Garden's Frequent Flyers." Few insects are as fascinating as Illinois' dragonflies and damselflies. From their unusual life cycle of transformation, their bizarre sex life, mystifying migratory habits, and their struggle for survival, there is plenty to discover and marvel about them! Hear the cultural history of dragonflies, including some of the myths and superstitions that surround them. Be amazed at their natural history as you see beautiful close-up images of different species that are found in the Chicago region. Find out why dragonflies tell us something about the health of the water and world. Then learn how you can become involved in caring for these remarkable flying creatures.

On April 26, the spring luncheon will feature actress and scholar Leslie Goddard in "Rachel Carson: Silent Spring and the Birth of the Modern Ecology Movement." Biologist and author Rachel Carson warned the world of the potentially dire environmental impact of chemical pesticides. Goddard portrays Carson who works to awaken the world to the beauty and fragility of nature.

Consider attending one of the meetings that are free and open to the public. Every month, expert speakers present informative programs on a number of gardening topics.

The daytime group host lectures and demonstrations of interest to the home gardener. The evening horticulture group shares informal events in members' homes and visits places of interest. Club members have been gardening for years and have a lot of experience to share.

During the summer, the club members seek inspiration on the annual garden walk and day trip. Whether it is a trip to the botanical gardens or a favorite nursery, enjoy a camaraderie based on a love of gardening and nature!

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