
Buffalo Grove plans open house on Lake Cook Corridor future

Buffalo Grove will host a public open house from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 11, to gather input on alternative scenarios for the future Lake Cook Corridor.

A consultant team has worked closely with the Corridor Planning Group, the project's steering committee, to develop alternatives that aim to improve the village's identity, vitality, and economic and fiscal sustainability.

The meeting will take place at the Community Arts Center, 225 McHenry Road in Buffalo Grove, and be held in an open house format, meaning that anyone is welcome to stop by any time during the event. The open house will showcase key elements of the project and project team members will address comments, questions, and collect feedback.

The Lake Cook Corridor encompasses more than 472 acres and includes more than 1 million square feet of commercial space, homes, the village campus and municipal golf course. With more than 40,000 vehicles traveling on it per day, Lake-Cook Road is one of the most utilized and visible roads in the region.

The project's end result will be a vision plan for the corridor that is comprehensive, grounded in market realities and achievable. The project team anticipates the plan will be completed by the end of the year.

For more information about the project and to sign up for the project's mailing list, visit

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