
Maybe we should seize repeat drunk drivers' cars

The front page of the April 24 Herald depicts the mug shots of Christopher Clingingsmith and his 12 driving arrests from 1987 to 2018.

That's 30 years. It would not be prudent to say that our justice system is made up of idiots so, of course, I won't say it.

But wouldn't you think that after all these years, they would have figured out that taking someone's license away or throwing them in jail is not the answer. They simply throw up their hands up and say, "What else can we do?"

A simple avenue to explore would be to take his car instead of his license. The obvious response to that would be, "well, he could always borrow someone's car, or what would his wife do if she had to have a car." Without a car, Mr. C would soon figure out the consequences of drunken driving, especially if seizing the car were permanent.

Many law-abiding citizens get their cars impounded for any number of reasons. Doesn't it make sense to treat the drunks on the road with the same inconvenience?

A classic comment is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. " But this system is broken. It does need fixing.

Darlene Burr


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