
Taxpayers lose again in District 200 plan

After District 200 twice failed to win taxpayer support for funds to rebuild Jefferson Early Childhood Center ($17.6 million in 2013 and $16.6 million in April 2013), the board has figured out a way to obtain $17.3 million without the taxpayer's approval.

Their plan is simple: issue debt certificates for $17.3 million that do not require taxpayer approval. These funds are to come from their "existing operating budget." Perhaps I am mistaken, but doesn't all the money for the district's "operating budget" come from the property taxes we all pay to support District 200? I think it is safe to assume, the taxpayers will end up paying for all the interest and principle due on these bonds.

The board's plan clearly shows a total lack of respect for the taxpayer, ignores the decision of the voters, disregards our democratic processes and demonstrates the board's low opinion of our intelligence.

District 200 will get their new school and the taxpayers will get the bill.

Isn't it time for the tax payers of District 200 to vote out the current administration and elect new members capable of fiscal restraint and understand they work for us?

Jim Harding


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