
Can we survive the non-politician in charge?

How shameful and outrageous.

Our president basically made neo-Nazism and other far right movements socially equivalent to organizations in the basically leftist communities of our country.

But of course two days later our president more clearly stated that there is no moral equivalence between these two groups.

So here is the concern of so many of us.

When the president speaks extemporaneously, he seems to express what is in his heart.

So whether it is that "John McCain is not a hero; he was captured" or "Meryl Streep is one of the most overrated actresses in Hollywood" or "I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me," he is both sadly rather inarticulate and overtly dangerous in his thinking.

I am not a big fan of politicians, i.e. "Read my lips. No new taxes" or "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it." But after witnessing the shameful antics of our businessman-turned-politician (although not quite what I would call a full turn to being a politician - perhaps 5 degrees or do) I am now inclined to beg for a politician to take over that position, sooner rather than later.

May we and the entire world all survive till then.

Marty Kander

Buffalo Grove

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