
Is an apology too much to ask for?

The thing I find most repulsive about Donald Trump is his lack of courage in taking responsibility for any of his mistakes, but constantly bragging about the things that go well for him. As Harry Truman famously said, "The buck stops here." That's what being president is all about.

Who can forget Trump's White House party celebrating the House's passing of their health care plan? Trump made sure he was in the middle of everything. Yet recently, when Trump gave an embarrassingly political speech to the Boy Scouts it was their leader who had to give the apology for Trump because he was not man enough to do it himself.

When the Senate failed to pass their health care plan, once again Trump pointed his finger at the Democrats and Republicans who didn't vote for it. There's nothing wrong with celebrating your wins as long as you take your share of the responsibility for your losses. Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear Trump say, "I have to take some of the blame myself as well for not selling the plan to the public as well as I could have?"

Say what you want about Hillary, at least she was strong enough to take responsibility for her screwups including the email fiasco. Trump thinks it somehow weakens his power to apologize about anything when the opposite is true. It's very difficult to respect a person like that let alone the president.

Rick Hagedorn


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