
Time to change rank-and-file way of education

I am a proud parent of a Glenbard High School District 87 graduate but would like to offer a response to Superintendent David Larson's guest column of July 14, saying public schools are not a "market."

He states Detroit schools failed because of vouchers. Detroit schools failed due to incompetent, crooked local government and the schools' inability to educate. When given a choice, the people choose best for their families.

Dr. Larson concludes school competition punishes the low performing schools and then in turn wealthy communities receive greater funding. Actually these schools are punished for not teaching the children and because the community does not support them. With Dr. Larson having the privilege of working in District 87, he should realize the value of community support over the almighty dollar, though 90 percent of his budget is funded by local real estate taxes.

He states we can't treat education as a commodity, yet his piece centered on money and wealth redistribution.

He further states public schools historically were to be governed locally. I find it humorous when the Department of Education and Secretary of Education state they want to do just that, the local schools and teacher unions act like the sky has fallen.

The DOE and throwing money at the problem has not worked for the last 60 years. It takes parental and community commitment. Advancing professional development by today's definition simply means a pay raise for a teacher with a Master's degree, but does not measure the effectiveness of the teacher in the classroom and not held accountable for the product they deliver.

I agree the children are an asset to the community and because of that belief it is time for change away from the rank and file way of education.

Tony Atkins


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