
NIMBYs not reason for rehab facility rejection

A recent letter to the editor, "Addiction is Everyone's Problem," by Sarah McKenna, necessitates a strong rebuttal.

Ms. McKenna asserted the reason the Campton Hills' proposed rehab facility by Maxxam failed was because of NIMBY. If she had attended any of the multiple public meetings held on this facility over the past five years, had examined the hundreds of comments now available to read in the public record, or had contacted just one of the dozens of community members fighting this, she wouldn't have made these accusations.

The arguments against this facility had nothing to do with "Not in my backyard." Furthermore, this facility was to be a high-end (for extremely wealthy clients - not primarily for Kane County residents) who could afford $1,000-a-day treatment. It would not have reduced a waiting list so a child who overdosed at 1 a.m. in the morning could get assistance.

Darlene Bakk

Campton Hills

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