
Sloppy complaints about health care

After reading letters from different people spouting off about the Health Care reform, I have to wonder if any of the negative writers have read a newspaper lately. The insurance companies are dropping out of Obamacare at a staggering rate. Premiums have risen somewhere between 40 and 70 percent, out-of-pocket expenses are beyond what a family of four used to pay without Obamacare.

But we have to remember what our past president promised us. Your premiums will go down by $2,500 dollars, If you like your doctor you can keep him/her. If you like your health insurance, you can keep it, but I think we should do what Nancy Pelosi said, "We have to pass this bill to find out what's in it."

People, get your heads out of the Democrats' trough and quit swallowing the slop they're feeding you.

Gordon Szymanski

Elk Grove Village

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