
Keep opinions on the editorial page

I can't tell you how much I am sick and tired of mainstream news sources giving me opinions and calling them news. I don't need opinions. I have plenty of them. I need information, facts, details, not what some newscaster, broadcasting company, newspaper printer or loudmouth thinks.

Section 1 of your May 7 edition had no opinions on the front page, and only a few opinion articles (Half news, half opinion) in the rest of the section. Well done.

I really don't care what people are afraid of or what might happen (we all have our hot buttons). I'm 78 and my concerns and fears are going to be different from younger people's in many ways. I'm not so old that I don't remember worrying about where my next meal was coming from or the health of my family or whether I could put a roof over their heads or not. What is important is that we get clear unadulterated facts to deal with, so we can make knowledgeable/educated decisions about our government, federal, state and city, and that we are kept informed factually on what is going on around us that affects our lives and futures. When you see "fear" "could" "risk" "might" used in headlines it means you are getting opinion nine times out of ten.

Things either do or don't happen. Might, could, should, fear, concern, etc. are all maybes, not realities. Please. everyone, watch the adjectives, adverbs and verbs and let them tune you in to the fact you may be being sold a bill of goods under the guise of it being news.

It's done every night on the TV news and every day in the papers. Please stay alert to this charade.

Again. I thank the Herald for trying to keep its opinions on the editorial page, where they belong. Thanks and keep up the good work.

Robert Williams

Rolling Meadows

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