
Extending Route 53 will just boost traffic

"If you build it, they will come." Wasn't that a line from the baseball movie "Field of Dreams"? Do the backers of extending Route 53 think that the road's number of drivers will stay the same, but they'll have easier, faster road trips?

Of course, extending Route 53 will increase the number of drivers. Lake County daily seems to sprout new residential and business developments.

I believe the environmental cost of building this highway through sensitive wetlands will be enormous, regardless of speed limits, and any elements designed in the hopes of keeping baby muskrats, ducklings and other wildlife from thinking it's safe to cross the concrete separating their wetland homes. What's a few dead raccoons, birds and yes, insects too, when there's money to be made?

Lake County offers some lovely undeveloped areas. I believe it's time to put the idea of extending Route 53 in the Nightmare File.

Helen Sierra


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